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Cable Assembly Provider

Short Guide for Cable Assemblies

Cable assemblies are needed in most industries and applications since many processes of an industry depend on high power requirements. A variety of types of cable assemblies is available in the market that can assist in different types of applications. Choosing the right type of assembly will ensure higher levels of efficiency and longer product…

Cable Assemblies in Military Applications

Military Specification (MIL-SPEC) cable assemblies are designed for manufacturability to provide benefits of reliable performance and durability in demanding applications. The success of military equipment depends a great deal on the high signal integrity provided by the assemblies. Supporting Military Applications : MIL-SPEC cable assemblies can support personnel and equipment in various military applications. Here…

Points to Remember when Designing for manufacturability Custom Medical Cable Assemblies

With increasing dependence on electronic equipment, there is a huge need for cable assemblies that are reliable in performance, and durable in service. One industry that depends immensely on cable assemblies is the medical sector. Diagnostic equipment like ECG and EKG, imaging systems like X-ray, CT, MRI, PET, as well as automated laboratory machines and…